The Introduction


My name is Ankit, a 23 yr old free will guy, hoping to change a thing or two in human lives, hoping to spread more happiness in this planet and in an effort to create a better quality life for all the human beings.

I did my B.E. in Computer Science from BITS-Pilani Goa Campus, and will soon be moving to SPJCM ( for an MBA in Marketing. Hence, a fascinating journey with some new friends mingled with an exciting learning experience is about to start. The idea of this blog is to put in all i know of 'Marketing', various assorted Marketing and Sales Gyan, case studies etc. and in due course of time as i start my MBA, will update the blog as i learn more :)

My first guru of Marketing is Mr. Philip Kotler, the father of Marketing; his various fundas and Marketing principles helped me crack my SPJCM interview. I would like to quote a few of the things which i heard from him lectures:

Funda of Marleting is to Create Communicate and Deliver Value to a Target Audience at a PROFIT!! If we take care of this principle the Marketing falls into order on its own. Positioning and Targeting are indeed the most important marketing principles, we should be aware of the culture, usage patterns, likes/dis-likes, bias, gender, age, habits etc. etc. of the target audience and then shape and market our product accordingly in order to achieve the required sales and thus the Profits! Customer is the king, marketing should be more customer centric, we should be in touch with the customer/consumer and take his feedback constantly; customer has indeed an important part to play in the creation of new products, reviewing existing products, providing feedback on Sales and Services practices etc.

Marketing as per Kotler is a Human activity aimed at satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process. Marketing Management is the analysis, planning, implementation and control of programs designed to create, build and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives.

Marketing centers on the needs and desires of the customer. Marketing is not just the clearing of an inventory but the way to create products that will benefit and will be of VALUE to the CUSTOMER. Who is your customer and what are his decision making processes; these are the most important starting points of any Marketing strategy.

Marketing is about building trust with the customer, its about long term relationships.
Building a Brand is also of utmost importance; a Brand is an identity, it is emotional, it inspires you; people connect themselves with the Brands.

This was just a collection of some tid-bits on Marketing, i will soon follow up with some exciting case studies on Marketing/Branding strategies and use-cases.

Hoping to have an exciting entry into the world of Marketing :)

